Friday, January 22, 2010

22/1/2010 - Tonight

Tonight, the sky is bright
Filled with light
I raise my hand, trying to touch the sky
It sounds impossible, as the star is high

But one day, I will fly up high
And touch the sky

Maybe I'm having a hard time
Yet I have the right
To write, to try
As my dream is right

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

12/1/2010 - The Truth of Sejarah Revealed

Label:  EL-111-14-717
Title  : Interesting!! U should read if u r a MALAYSIAN!!‏
From: C0333
Time : 12/1/2010, 6:00pm

The Truth Revealed (with evidence)!

In June 1998, the government of Malaysia had hired a team of experts from all over the world to be gathered here in Malaysia for a research project to compliment the history studies that we undertook in our secondary school.

The objective of the research is simply:

1. To find proof and evidence that show the Malays were the origins of Malaysia and they were the first race and religion that landed their feet in Malaysia .

2. To further strengthen their claims, first they need to find the graveyard of the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and others.. to show the existence of their pioneers.

3. The Batu Bersurat in Terengganu, reveals that the islamic religion has landed in Malaysia for more than a hundred years ago which further strengthen their claims!

BEWARE & OPEN YOUR EYES!!! Go and ask your brother, sister, niece, nephew etc. Since the year 1999 (if i'm not mistaken) or year 2000, do they study about HANG TUAH anymore?

Why is that popular subject GONE? Missing in action? or evidence reveals something else that caused the government to stop the syllabus and HIDE the TRUTH?

Here are the Evidences of the findings by the team of scientists, archaeologist, historian and other technical staff from the United States , United Kingdom , Germany , Canada , Yemen & Russia.
The evidence are:

The First Evidence:

They finally found the graveyard of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat and others, their skeletons had been analized and samples of DNA taken with the results showing: Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and mates were NOT MALAY!!! They were CHINESE origins (islamic) from China !!!

Why were they here in Malacca? If you go back in history, you would know that they were on a mission to protect the UNGRATEFUL MALAY Sultanate from the frequent attacks by the Kingdom of SIAM ( Thailand ).

So Hang Tuah was not a Malay hero! They were the protectors of the useless and ungrateful Parameswara (who was from INDONESIA ) who landed in Malacca and claimed that the land belonged to him!

Hang Tuah and friends were all from China , they were being assigned to the Malacca Sultanate because Parameswara requested the Ming Dynasty Emperor for protection! Hence, the rich historical heritage of the Babas & Nyonyas were being closely linked to the Seven Voyages to the Western Oceanby Admiral Zheng He who incidentally was a Chinese Muslim himself!

That's why the Hang Tuah series of history is MISSING from the Malaysian SEJARAH today!

Note : Remember Princess Hang Li Poh ? - All surname 'HANG'

Second Evidence:

The researchers hired by the government found the oldest tombstones (graveyard) in Kelantan in year 2000. Suprisingly, the tombstones were at least 900 years old! Older than the so-called Batu Bersurat. And the interesting thing was that they all belonged to the CHINESE!

Being landed first in Malacca doesn't mean Malay is the first in Malaysia because during that time, the road was too long or undeveloped for them to reach or see the other side of the coast where the Chinese had landed much earlier. If you want the hard evidence of what the truth of the Research reveals, please write to The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan , USA .

This is a good reason to remind the Bumiputras NOT to ask the Chinese or Indians to go back to their Motherlands because the evidence had shown that Malays were NOT the original people of Malaysia ! The Truth Revealed (with evidence) and anthropologists have yet to ascertain if there was indeed a Malay race!

Opinion: The objectives for all students to study Sejarah is very clear to everyone, yet we still have to be quiet and accept the brainwash, how sad. No offence, correct me if I'm wrong.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

10/1/2010 - Fate Another

To celebrate the 10th post
I decide to open the blog to the public
The time is after msn with K5464.

I go to Education Fair at KLCC today
My result is: Yes, IMU is the only U
Has the degree course I want in Malaysia
Facts again

I wonder
If I use that much money for IMU
Why don't I just go to Adelaide?

Money says everything
IMU is expensive for me but
I can get a loan from PTPTN
Adelaide is expensive for me
I have not found any loan
But it is a good U for me

Fate, heh
I wonder if my parents will pay for it
This makes me recall something
When I was a child,
My father came and asked me to lend him RM100
I lent without asking anything
He was grateful
He said,
"When I'm old,"
"I will use all the money from my EPF to support your studies."
That time I was kinda touched.

They have to pay for my sister studies first
She "hopes" she can study in Japan
With scholarship
If they pay for her
Like all the time
I wonder, what is left for me?

In fact
I should not worry about financial matter first
To get in the university in Adelaide
I need 5 A1
Language studies
And the topic General Paper are not included
It is so damn hard

I can't stop worrying about money
Complicated mind

Saturday, January 9, 2010

9/1/2010 - Sometimes

Sometime I think I'm different
But soon i find out I'm nothing

Sometime I think it will work
But it never follows my ideal thought

Sometime I think it is because of wisdom
But luck seems more likely to be the factor

Sometime I'm proud of myself
But I'm always disappointed

Sometime I think they will understand
But the fact tells me I'm wrong

Sometime I believe in fate
But I'm always trying to disobey it

Sometime I think I can endure everything
Yet I'm confused by facts

Friday, January 8, 2010

8/1/2010 - Dreamer

I'm a dreamer
Full of dreams about life
That is why
I'm always daydreaming

Yet what I dream at night would be sincere
I'm blurred
I don't know whether am I'm right

I'm dreaming all the time
I hope I can find the genuineness of me

I thought I find it last time
I has followed the path I believe till now

But it is not ideal like what I have thought
I end up like calculating wrong how many cloud in the sky.

Sometime, being naive is so beautiful
Although I have just get mad on someone who is naive
Even she doesn't know what am I mad for
Soon I realize
She is so naive, and happy

I have been annoying of this event
For hours
I angry because she doesn't understand why am I mad
Even I have tell her why
How sad

I return back to the original dream
Thinking of what I had considered last time
And soon I find out
I'm the one who is naive too

I wonder why am I being so serious in that.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

一天五杯熱水, 完全排毒!‏

現在日本的藝能界流行一種白湯排毒法日文的就是熱水白湯就是什麼都不加的熱水這種療法源自於,印度的阿育吠陀(Aayurveda) 藉由喝溫熱的水,讓身體熱起來;達到和用芝麻油按摩,讓身體熱起來同樣的效果由於實行起來非常簡單,每個人都做得到;也不用花錢、 因此由藝人千葉麗子推薦之後,許多藝人紛紛仿效;成為一股風潮!





開始喝熱水,會感覺到溫水的甜味!慢慢的你會對於,食物 的味道越來越敏銳稍微吃一點就會有吃了東西的實感, 進而避免暴飲暴食!

3. 排出毒素



和一般的水比起來, 喝熱水需要花時間;一口一口慢慢喝,因此更能夠獲得滿腹感在吃飯的時候,搭配食物一起喝; 更能夠增加飽足感!



6. 沉澱心情

除了身體機能的調整之外, 喝熱水也具有精神層面排毒的功效!慢慢的喝杯熱水,能夠緩衝一下;忙碌的工作消除壓力 讓你神清氣爽!

根據阿育吠陀(Aayurveda)的說法影響人類身體與精神健康的元素可以從風、 火、水三種元素來看頭痛肩頸酸痛,失眠肌膚粗糙便秘等都是因為火的元素失調的關係,追究原因就是身體太冷”! 夏天經常吹冷氣吃冰的東西內外夾攻這時候喝熱水就是一種均衡的消化劑!


1. 早上起床喝一杯熱水


2. 一天喝1.2~1.5公升的熱水

任何東西過量都不好雖然喝熱 水沒有副作用但是以為這樣而狂飲的話反而會造成多餘的水分在體內囤積新陳代謝惡化,成為寒冷體質進而容易肥胖一天1.2~1.5公升的量最適中!

3. 一次一點點慢慢喝不要牛飲



4. 入浴後水分補給

洗完澡後喝一杯溫水(和體溫差不多的溫水), 補充流失的水分這時候好不容易藉由泡澡讓身體溫熱起來最好避免喝冰的東西讓身體冷卻!

經過日本許多明星的實踐證明熱水排毒法能夠提升基礎代謝讓身體覺得輕鬆舒暢改善便秘,排出老廢物質進而達到美肌與瘦身的效果這種不花錢的健康 排毒法還不趕快試試?!

Source: Email
Addition: 一天1.2~1.5公升是指摄取

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

6/1/2010 - Last Letter to S1717

This is the end,
Just let the Secret lurking behind the stage.
I'm sorry for my selfishness.

I will not forget you, for sure.

If you need helps in the future,
I will be there.

I promise you,
In the name of the Saint.

I will be your guardian
Even you don't know that I care about you.

Take care and be healthy.